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The MANA Movement

Create healthy relationships with yourself and others
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Imagine if relationships could be easy....

Not effortless but easy, imagine being able to choose and create healthy relationships in your life.

Within The Mana Movement you can leave all the pain from past relationships and past trauma behind so you can build a life (and a love) that feels easy.

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Who is The Mana Movement for?

Sign me up!

The Mana Movement is for you if you want to start choosing relationships that allow you to feel good. If you want to create relationships that embrace everything that makes you, you, relationships that feel easy because you are able to be yourself.


Maybe right now....


   Struggling with relationships that feel like lots of hard work with little reward.

You feel like the only way to make someone else happy is to sacrifice your happiness and your needs.


   You struggle to put yourself first and ask for what you want.


    You have unhealthy patterns which show up in your relationships which you want to break.




IMPORTANT: Relationships aren't just romantic, we relate to everyone we come in contact with, our partner, our children, our friends, our co-workers, dates. If you want to be better at relating then this program is for you. 

what if i told you don't have to STRUGGLE


That you can find ease.
That you can choose something different.
That you can have the type of relationship you desire.

I've been where you are, I've dealt with the pain, the insecurity and the fear. I've worked to cure my own hangover from past trauma and past painful relationships. 

I've worked to change my relationship with myself so I was able to create healthy relationships in my life.

And now I want to help you do the same. 


The MANA Movement

A six week online coaching journey that allows you to create a new relationship with yourself so that you may create healthy relationships in your life.

   What you will receive when you sign up:   

The Mana Modules

A series of six modules designed to support you to create the inner shifts you need to make in order to be able to create and build healthy relationship sin your life. Each module include three videos and a workbook which can be completed at your pace. The modules include;

Taking Back Control - Own the role you played in creating the obstacles you are facing. Let go of the past and wipe the slate clean so you can move forward strong in yourself.

Building Self Worth - Build the belief that your worth is fixed. Embrace that self confidence comes from your willingness to experience anything especially discomfort. Accept that the only person the sabotages you, is you.

Asking for What You Want - Be aware of how your thoughts and feelings are impacting your communication. Know what it feels like in your body when something is or isn't for you. Be able to say no and set boundaries that honour you.

Learning to Trust Again - Be able to trust yourself to experience anything (incl. heartbreak). Make hard decisions and to honour yourself in those commitments. Be able to cultivate trust in yourself and then foster it in a relationship with another.

Opening Your Heart To Love - Be connected to your feminine energy. Understand how to use intimacy to build connections. Embrace a new way of giving and receiving love.

Redefining Relationships - Be clear on what you really want from a relationship and a partner. Know how you need to be showing up right now in order to attract and create healthy relationships in your life. Be prepared to handle any criticism from others and from yourself.

Three 45min 1:1 Coaching Sessions

These laser focused coaching sessions are an opportunity for you to receive one on one coaching support. Sessions can explore the Mana Modules topics on a deeper level, any relationship challenges you are experiencing or any area of your life where you feel you need additional support. One coaching session is allocated per fortnight for the duration of The Mana Movement.

Personal Messenger Support

For the duration of the program you will have access to person WhatsApp support where you can receive on demand, real time support via written or voice messages. This allows you to have an outlet for support during a particular challenge or issue that isn't able to wait until your one on one coaching session.



You will be given access to my Building Boundaries Kit which includes a webinar exploring boundary setting, a worksheet to help you plan out and articulate your boundaries and a communication guide for easy ways to share your boundaries.



A comprehensive manual that supports you to commit to and create a 90 Day Relationship with your partner. This manual will give your instructions, activities and reflection prompts to support you in creating intentional transformation in your relationship.



The Mana Movement 2021

Georgine Clarke

This course has benefited my life so much more than I could have expected. I was seriously living a life that I had no connection to and had no idea how I had got there. I realised I could not even answer to myself who am I? If you cant answer this how can you live a life that aligns with you and who you are, and I realised this was why I kept making decisions that ultimately made me unhappy. This course is so well structured, each week is so relevant, valuable and challenges you in all the right ways. Eve creates a really safe and positive environment to grow and discover yourself in. Best decision I have made in a long time was signing up to this course. I can honestly say my whole headspace has changed and I am seeing the world from a beautiful and positive view point where I can achieve anything.




~ Access to The Mana Modules ($399 value)

~ Three fortnightly 45min 1:1 Coaching Session ($499 value)

~ Personal messenger support for duration of program ($199 value)

~ Bonus Boundaries Webinar & 90 Day Relationship Manual ($99)

~ Lifetime Access To All Material (Priceless)





Taken from Te Reo Māori, the language belonging to the indigenous culture of New Zealand. Mana is a concept that includes our personal power, our sovereignty over self and the recognition of the magic that exists in every single one of us. 

Contact Me

If you have a specific need or you can't find the information you want from my website then please feel free to reach out via my social media channels or by filling in the form below.

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Thanks for reaching out, I'll be in touch soon!

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